Peach cheesecake

Raw gluten-free and dairy-free peach cheesecake with cashews

Ø 15 cm


- 40g sunflower seeds

- 20g desiccated coconut

- 60g dried apricots

- 2 tbsp almond butter

- 2 tbsp maple syrup

- Pinch of salt


- 120g cashews (soaked in water for about 8 hours and then rinsed)

- 200g peaches 

- 100g coconut cream

- 100ml coconut milk

- Juice of 1 lemon

- 2 or 3 tbsp maple syrup

- 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Line the base of a spring form (or cake tin with removable base) with baking paper. Line the inside of the spring form with clear cake collar/foil.
  2. Put the ingredients in a food processor and blend until ground. Use a spoon to spread the crust mixture evenly onto the base and press firmly. Place in the freezer.


  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend until you have a smooth and creamy texture. Pour the filling on top of the base and place in the freezer overnight. 
  2. Serve the cake frozen or let it thaw at room temperature (or in the fridge, but this will take a few hours). You can store leftovers in the fridge for a few days.
