About Me

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my blog Fairly Odd Cakes! 

My name is Naomi, I am Dutch and I live in Amsterdam with my boyfriend.

As a child, I always felt cramps and pain in my belly. This pain continued until last year, when I decided that I have had enough of it. I changed my diet and lifestyle; I cut out as much (refined) sugar as possible, stopped eating gluten and dairy and tried to sleep 8 hours a night. I felt so much better! But I also have a sweet tooth and I was missing all those lovely cakes that I used to eat.

And then there was the corona crisis. I developed a passion for creating healthier recipes and making cakes. So, here on this site you will find the recipes of healthier, gluten-free and lactose-free cakes that I have made. I hope that you will get inspired by these recipes and that you will find out your own taste and style.

Much love,

By Noom
