Breakfast cake

A light and airy coconut and mango-passion fruit cake that you can eat for breakfast without feeling guilty. It has a filling that will melt on your tongue and a fresh and fruity topping.

Ø 15 cm


- 80g pistachios

- 50g desiccated coconut

- 5 medjool dates

- 1 tbsp coconut oil

- Pinch of salt


- 300g coconut yogurt

- 100g coconut milk

- 2 tbsp almond milk

- 3 tbsp maple syrup

- 1 tsp vanilla extract

- 1/2 tsp xanthaangom (to make it light and airy)

- 4 gelatin sheets

Spiral topping

- 50ml mango puree

- 50ml passion fruit juice

- 1 gelatin sheet


  1. Line the base of a spring form (or cake tin with removable base) with baking paper. Line the inside of the spring form with clear cake collar/foil. 
  2. Put the ingredients in a food processor and blend until ground. Use a spoon to spread the crust mixture evenly onto the base and press lightly. Place in the fridge.


  1. Soak the gelatin sheets for at least 5 minutes in cold water in bowl 1. 
  2. Combine and whisk the other ingredients in bowl 2. Remove the sheets from the water and squeeze out the excess liquid. Let the sheets dissolve in 2 or 3 tbsp of hot (not boiling) water. Add the gelatin to the ingredients.
  3. Add 1/2 tsp xanthan gum to create a light and airy texture. Whisk (with an electric mixer) the filling for about 5 to 10 minutes (you will see it starts to get bubbly in a few minutes).

Spiral topping

  1. Soak the gelatin sheet. Blend the mango to puree and sieve the pulp of a few passion fruits (you will need 50ml each). Combine.
  2. Remove the sheet from the water and squeeze out the excess liquid. Let the sheet dissolve in 1 or 2 tbsp of hot (not boiling) water. Add to the mango-passionfruit mixture. Stir until well combined. Pour into a mold and place in the freezer.
