Chocolate-mocha cake

Hi everyone, I created this cake for my dad’s birthday. 🥰 It took me two days. Not because of the many steps, but because of the waiting time inbetween the layers. You can find the recipe below!

Ø 18 cm / 7 inch


- 200g oatmeal

- 125g hazelnuts (or hazelnut flour)

- 60g coconut oil

- 4 tbsp maple syrup

- Pinch of salt

Vanilla layer

- 400g coconut yogurt

- Marrow of half a vanilla bean

- 3 tbsp maple syrup

- 4 sheets gelatin

Mocha layer

- 400g coconut yogurt

- Marrow of half a vanilla bean

- 50g coconut blossom sugar

1 stick Mocca Nescafé instant coffee

4 sheets gelatin

Chocolate layer

- 400ml full fat coconut milk

- 150g dark chocolate (I’ve used with 85% cocoa from @handsoffchocolate)

- 4 or 5 tbsp maple syrup

- 1 tsp ceylon cinnamon

- 4 sheets gelatin

Coffee layer

- 200ml (strong) coffee

- Coconut blossom sugar (to taste)

- 2 sheets gelatin


  1. Preheat the oven to 170 °C. 
  2. Line the base of a spring form (or cake tin with removable base) with baking paper. 
  3. Put the ingredients in a food processor and blend until ground. Use a spoon to spread the crust mixture evenly onto the base and press lightly (otherwise it will get too dense). Poke a few holes with a fork into the mixture. 
  4. Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Remove, let it cool down for a bit and then put the base in the fridge.

Vanilla layer

  1. Soak the gelatin sheets for at least 5 minutes in cold water in bowl 1. Combine and whisk the other ingredients in bowl 2.
  2. Remove the sheets from the water and squeeze out the excess liquid. Let the sheets dissolve in 2 or 3 tbsp of hot (not boiling) water. Add the gelatin to the ingredients in bowl 2 while stirring well.
  3. Line the inside of the spring form with clear cake collar/foil. Pour the mixture onto the base. Place in the fridge for a few hours to set.

Mocha layer

  1. Repeat same steps as above, but then with the mocha layer ingredients.

Chocolate layer

  1. Soak the gelatin sheets. 
  2. Pour the coconut milk into a pan. Turn the heat to medium to warm the coconut milk and then add the chocolate and the other ingredients (don’t let it boil).
  3. Remove sheets and squeeze out the excess liquid. Add the gelatin when the chocolate is fully melted. Let the mixture cool down for a bit (stir inbetween) and then pour the mixture onto the mocha layer. Place in the fridge for a few hours to set.

Coffee layer

  1. Soak the gelatin. Make coffee (200ml). Remove sheets and squeeze out the excess liquid. Add to the coffee. Add coconut blossom sugar to taste. Let it cool down for a bit.
  2. Pour onto the chocolate layer. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight to set.
